An Interview with Interior Designer, Angela Lowy


Angela Lowy is an Interior Designer and Owner of Grace HomeStyleDesign

Q. What inspired you to start your design business?

I understood two things about the design industry. The first is that the number of people who use an interior designer is relatively small. The other is that most of the work focused on how the space looked, rather than how it functioned.

I believe interior design is a solution for better living, not something that just looks good. So, we help you transform your living space into a place that helps you live better. That’s a real difference – and why our clients work with us, because they can expect real benefits and value from their investment.

Q. How long have you been doing what you do?

Honestly, all my life. As a kid, I’d think up new ideas for my room. Growing up, I loved creating party themes and decorating the table for entertaining. I loved fashion, too. A defining moment occurred, however, when my husband said he thought “style” was my passion. I was insulted. At the time, I was a VP at a global advertising agency – and style didn’t seem to me a significant passion. Then I realized the truth – and value – of his observation. The reality was that I loved all of the artistry that was required to successfully execute the campaigns we developed for our clients. My transition to interior design was natural, after several friends asked me to do some design work. When one asked me to design her newly remodeled house, I saw the opportunity for a new business.

Q. So, how did you become an interior designer?

Like everything I do, I had a plan. Given my instincts and passion, interior design was a natural progression, and I completed studies for the technical skills I needed to do what I loved. Next, I was hired as a staff designer for an interior design company, where I worked with clients of my own. In 2009, with a heartfelt desire to help people live better, I founded Grace HomeStyleDesign LLC. Since then, I’ve made a commitment to bring beauty, comfort and meaning to everyday living.

Q. Do you have a signature style?

Actually, I believe in a signature purpose: well-designed space that helps you live better. It’s our job to help you identify and implement the “how” and “what” you need, to do that. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want. If you did, you probably would have done it. And just by knowing what it is you don’t want, you already know more than you think you do. Our partnership is all about helping you discover and express your style.

Q. What, exactly, is your process?

We’ve developed our own Space Portrait™ Process, in three steps:

  1. ASSESS: begins with an objective view of your current space.

  2. CLEAR: addresses how you may or may not be living in ways that suit you.

  3. EXPLORE: involves a visual exploratory to help us get to know you better and understand what you like and don’t like in terms of design styles.

The process culminates with a custom Space Portrait™, created expressly for you, which guides project development.

Q. How does someone sample your work?

Easily, just click on our Projects to see some of our work. And, our Review page lets you read about the design experiences our clients have had, and the results they’ve gotten working with us. We’re proud that our clients’ results have made it easy for them to refer us to others. And we’re also proud that, by request, they’ll share with you what it was like working with us.

Q. Do you have an “ideal” client?

Yes! Our ideal clients want to live, not exist, in their space – and they want their space to be more than just beautiful. They value our expertise and allow us to do our best work. Given the importance of personal space, there’s also an emerging need for men to be heard and present in their space, too. I gently would add that we cannot do our best work for clients whose decisions are based on cost alone. We owe the privilege of working with new clients, and our repeat business and referrals, to knowing that.

Q. Ok, how does a new client start working with you?

We’re always excited to work with a new client to help them live better! Just call us so we can set a time for a get-acquainted phone conversation.